JadiASN is a learning platform and practice questions to prepare for the CPNS test and the Selection test for entering the Official School. The JadiASN application has an effective and efficient learning concept because the JadiASN application in providing practice questions, discussion of questions and learning material focuses on the grid. Also how to convey material from the teaching team that carries the concept of #fast way along with detailed and in-depth basic concepts explained.
The JadiASN application has 2 main facilities
1. SKD test simulation
2. SKD materials
Following are some of the features of the SKD TEST SIMULATION facility:
💠Live Class 3x/week (in May)
💠 2 x sharing sessions with civil servants
💠Premium group bonus
💠There is an analysis of the chance of passing with a threshold value
💠 There is an analysis of the speed of answering questions
💠 There is a wrong and true analysis
💠 Can be accessed via laptop/PC via the web
💠Simulation score progression graph
💠National, provincial, district rankings
💠 Text discussion can be downloaded and printed
💠Timed simulation according to SKD exam format
💠 The scoring system has adjusted to CPNS 2021
💠 Questions according to FR (field report)
💠 1 simulation package can be done 3 times
💠Score out real time
💠 Questions can be downloaded and printed
💠Discussion video and discussion text
💠 Zoom out/in the question view
Following are the features of the "SKD MATERIALS" facility
💠Material videos
💠 Material quiz
💠 Bookmark material videos
💠Percentage complete
💠 The material discusses according to the updated grid
💠 Discussion with the #quick method along with basic concepts